Notices and Updates

Form E-595E, Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement Certificate of Exemption, is updated to reflect changes adopted as part of the Streamlined Sales and Use Project. The revision is applicable to transactions beginning Jan. 1, 2018. 

Read the notice about the updated form.

Review the updated form.



Because some taxpayers have had questions regarding the Department’s filing requirements for Form NC-3 and certain 1099 informational returns, Secretary Ronald G. Penny has elected to automatically waive the failure to file penalty on NC-3 forms due to be filed by January 31, 2018, but which are filed after that date. As such, the Department will not impose the failure to file penalty on NC-3 forms due to be filed on January 31, 2018 if the return is not timely filed.

The NCDOR published a written determination regarding purchases by a company primarily engaged in research and development activities in the physical, engineering, and life sciences included in industry 54171 of NAICS.

Read the Private Ruling Letter